Monday, 9 February 2009

Initial concerns over the title

I have to admit this blog is the result of a dire need to procrastinate, therefore the title and the URL address are also products of spontaneous decisions. It is not an order, it is a delightful invitation to 'Think Inside My Box'. Which leads me to think do I really have a box? Which leads me to think, should I change the title?
Even though the Internet-age didn't quite catch up with me until mid-teenage years (I'm a technological conservative, I used to swear upon tapes, and snarl at CDs), thanks to my relative laziness and the constant typing I tend to abbreviate a fair amount, 'r', 'u', 'w/' et cetera, nevertheless 'lmao' and the likes give me distinct chills. I'm content with a 'hehe'. Anyway, the point here is, that because of this laziness I tend to also neglect capital letters, so I figured why not defy grammar stylishly and refuse capital letters altogether, and name the blog 'against-the-capitals'. Or something along these lines. Do you see my problem?
A title with such strong (although at first totally unintended) political overtones would have implied very rigid borders to my box. Instead of a light, first attempt to give a comprehensive frame to my thoughts that are usually very difficult to catch and organize anyway, I would have been forced 'by titling' to constantly defend one important but not necessarily central idea to my box. I like my box to be as flexible as possible, I am taking in new things, wherever, whenever and from whomever I can. I can't really throw out the old things, I was always rubbish at spring cleaning. As I'm growing, so is my box, as, needless to say, I live in my box, constantly experiencing what others and myself put in. My box is my living space, it has hardly any walls, they are see-through and very stretchy, and most of the time I'm not even sure they are there. I'd like to believe they actually aren't. That I've been told wrong. What are your walls like? 
'againstCAPS' would have required me to say something like this: I am not per se anti-capitalist, I only feel that consumerism, encouraged by this particular economic construction, is ruining things that are truly important in this world. It is not the question of ideological orientation, it is the question of individual world-view and value system. But I am not anti nor pro CAP. And there. I am defending my box as I feared. Bugger. I am not here to defend, I am here to share. 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. Delicate choice of words, has taste like a movie transcript. I enjoyed reading it.
